Know Your Faith Works of Mercy

At the heart of the Catholic faith is a call to compassion, love, and service, principles embodied in Catholic Social Teaching and the "Works of Mercy." Drawing directly from the Gospels, especially the teachings of Jesus, the Works of Mercy are charitable actions Catholics are encouraged to undertake as a way to express love for their neighbors and demonstrate the Gospel's love in practical ways.

These works are split into two distinct categories: Corporal Works of Mercy, addressing the physical needs of others, and Spiritual Works of Mercy, aimed at providing for the spiritual needs.

Corporal Works of Mercy

The Corporal Works of Mercy include seven actions that address physical and material needs, as outlined in Matthew 25:34-40. They are:

  • Feed the Hungry: This is a call to address issues of food security, whether by donating to food banks, providing meals, or supporting initiatives that combat hunger.
  • Give Drink to the Thirsty: This can be as simple as providing clean water or supporting initiatives that ensure access to clean and safe drinking water.
  • Clothe the Naked: This involves providing clothing to those in need, especially the underprivileged or disaster-stricken individuals.
  • Shelter the Homeless: This calls for offering hospitality or support to those without stable housing.
  • Visit the Sick: Providing companionship, comfort, or physical care to those suffering from illnesses.
  • Visit the Imprisoned: Reaching out to those in prisons, offering moral support, or working towards prison reform.
  • Bury the Dead: Respectfully taking care of the dead, often by attending funerals or comforting the grieving.

Spiritual Works of Mercy

The Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions addressing spiritual needs and nurturing the faith of others. They include:

  • Instruct the Ignorant: This involves sharing and teaching the faith to those who lack knowledge about it.
  • Counsel the Doubtful: Helping those in doubt to find certainty in faith.
  • Admonish Sinners: Courageously pointing out others' faults to help them return to righteousness, done with love and care.
  • Bear Wrongs Patiently: Enduring the wrongs done to us with patience and without seeking revenge.
  • Forgive Offences Willingly: This is an encouragement to let go of grudges and offer forgiveness.
  • Comfort the Afflicted: Offering consolation and comfort to those in emotional or spiritual pain.
  • Pray for the Living and the Dead: Upholding others in prayer, both those still with us and those who have passed away.

By practicing these Works of Mercy, Catholics are not only aiding those in need but also cultivating virtues of compassion, love, patience, and humility in themselves. These works create a deeper connection between faith and action, affirming the Church's commitment to social justice and respect for the dignity of all people. They are a way to embody the commandment of Jesus to "love your neighbor as yourself," making faith a lived experience that impacts and improves the world around us.